
aircraft registration application

Your Aircraft Registration Application Depends on the Aircraft’s Origin

While this sort of bureaucratic process can be quite tiring or inconvenient, it’s important that your vehicles are properly registered with the corresponding agencies to make sure that they are operating safely and legally. This is true whether you are talking about a car or an aeroplane. Let’s go over the process for aircraft registration…

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airplane airworthiness certificate

An Airplane Airworthiness Certificate Allows you to Fly Your Amateur Aircraft

More and more aficionados in Canada have recently taken to the skies on planes that they built themselves. This practice, known as amateur-built aircraft, demands a process to get these planes registered, including getting an airplane airworthiness certificate, but it still proves to be a fulfilling venture for those who dare to do it. Airplane…

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airplane airworthiness certificate

Airplane Airworthiness Certificate For When You Are Exporting an Aircraft

Selling your aircraft to a fellow Canadian citizen or resident is fairly easy and will mostly just involve transferring your registration to them. Exporting the aircraft, on the other hand, will call for an airplane airworthiness certificate, as well as its own process altogether. Export Airplane Airworthiness Certificate Like any export procedure, exporting aircraft will…

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importing aircraft from the usa to canada

Importing Aircraft From the USA to Canada Explained Step by Step

When importing aircraft from the USA to Canada, you need to keep in mind that certain aspects of the process are going to be very delicate. If you want to make sure that the overall cooperation goes smoothly, we have a good breakdown of what you should keep in mind. This is, after all, an…

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register imported aircraft

To Register Imported Aircraft, You Will Need the Following Documents

Like any import, you will find that importing aircraft into Canada will require a lot of work. You have the logistic aspect of the process, which will involve actually getting the airplane to Canada from its origin country. However, you will also have to deal with the administrative processes that come into play when you…

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plane change of address

Updating Your Registration with a Plane Change of Address or Ownership

As everyone who owns any aircraft in Canada will tell you, it’s always very important to make sure that your registration is always up to date and reflects any changes that may occur. This means that, should anything change, you will need to submit the corresponding forms, such as a plane change of address or…

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aircraft change of ownership

Carrying Out a Successful Aircraft Change of Ownership

You might be surprised to learn that your aircraft registration is not necessarily tied to you yourself, but that it is entirely dependent on the aircraft. What does this mean? Well, that if the aircraft changes owners then the registration will go with the airplane. Now, the process by which this takes place will have…

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canadian aircraft registration

Canadian Aircraft Registration Made Simple and Quick

Have you tried to sit down to complete your Canadian aircraft registration, yet you just couldn’t bring yourself to complete it? Did you clear time in your schedule to get it done, only to find that it was so tedious you couldn’t? That’s how it is for many people. You own a plane. You want…

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transfer aircraft ownership

Transfer Aircraft Ownership in a Heartbeat

Have you purchased a registered aircraft from someone else and aren’t sure what the next step is? Does the idea of “transferring airplane ownership” seem confusing and arbitrary? Purchasing an aircraft from someone else can be one of the most exciting days. It’s perfectly natural to think about all of the time you’ll spend up…

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aircraft transfer of ownership forms

Properly Filing Your Aircraft Transfer of Ownership Forms

Transferring aircraft ownership is a delicate process, not because it’s that complicated, but because it requires some level of attention to detail at the time of submitting the necessary forms and applications. There will be certain aircraft transfer of ownership forms involved, so it’s good to pay attention to them and how they will relate…

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